Thursday, February 17, 2011

Random Acts of Kindness Day

Today is Random Acts of Kindness Day! So if you feel so inclined do something kind for someone else, not only will they feel good, but so will you. It doesn't have to be something huge either something as small as writing a hand written thank you note and mailing it to a friend is wonderful! Here are just a few ideas to help you along if you need them:

- Hand write a thank you note to someone
- Hold the door open for someone
- Let your family members know how much you appreciate them with a phone call
- Call a friend and just chat for a while, or better yet if possible go get coffee with them and catch up
- Sincerely compliment a stranger about something (hair, clothes, whatever)
- Visit a nursing home and talk with someone who doesn't often receive visitors
- Take donations to a homeless shelter
- Smile at others while you are walking down the street and say 'hello' when you make eye contact
- Add some money to a parking meter if you notice one that is low
- Call a local animal shelter and see what they need, go buy it and drop it off

Really, even just a smile can make someone's day better. I hope everyone has a wonderful day!

1 comment:

  1. i didn't know that...i chatted up a lady and her daughter in homegoods today. she gave me her opinion on throwpillows, lol, and i talked her into splurging for the dollar tea cup she was looking at, lol. hopefully that counts. i love that sort of stranger interaction!
